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Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Doktorský program, Fakulta chemické technologie

Doctoral study of Chemistry and Technology of Materials is a natural consequence of the long-time material research at UCT Prague. The study is based on the cutting-edge physical, chemical and engineering approaches to materials and material technology. Students develop their knowledge about materials; they find and comprehend deeper relationships among preparation and/or production of materials, structure and composition, and their properties. Inevitable part of the study are courses focused to deeper understanding of nature of materials, analytical methods, material characterization, and material technologies.


Graduates become not only leading experts in the field of material science and technology, but thanks to their experience in international teamwork they are predetermined to start their career in academic area, international research and technology corporations, innovative companies, and state government.

Detaily programu

Jazyk výuky anglický
Standardní doba studia 4 roky
Forma studia kombinovaná , prezenční
Garant studia prof. Dr. Ing. Dalibor Vojtěch
Místo studia Praha
Kapacita 15 studentů
Kód akreditace (MŠMT kód) P0711D130008
VŠCHT kód AD102
Updated: 25.3.2022 16:21, Author: Jan Kříž

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre
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