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The basic, applied, and contract research and development activities at the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology cover “traditional” and modern topics of food sciences, biotechnologies, and life sciences. The Faculty is comprised of seven Departments, each pursuing research addressing current calls and trends in such areas as food chemistry, quality, safety and innovation, process engineering, biotechnology for the food industry, environmental protection and therapeutic applications, molecular biology and biochemistry, chemistry of natural compounds, and organic synthesis.

Numerous projects are interdisciplinary and take advantage of broad collaborations at the national and international scales. Research also takes advantage of the availability of sophisticated equipment and high-tech devices which employ emerging instrumentation principles.

Research activities are not restricted to faculty staff and PhD students; special emphasis is placed on participation of undergraduate students, enabling them to publish high-quality graduate theses as well as better opportunities in the labour market.


Updated: 14.4.2015 17:16, Author: fpbt

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Copyright UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre
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